Thursday, October 10, 2013

Book Review

Hi Readers!

This is Tween Blogger, and I've got another book review! You know, reading is good for you. You never know what you might find that's interesting. Anyway, this book is called A Corner of White. It's by Jaclyn Moriarty. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! So, a girl named Madeleine finds a message portal sorta thing. She's in Cambridge, BTW. The portal thing is only big enough for letters, and she starts to send letters to this guy named Elliot. Now, he's in the magical Kingdom of Cello. It's like two different worlds in contact. His portal hole is the inside of a broken TV (Kingdom of Cello is not fairy wings and wands, there's just a lot of things. Just read the book.) and Madeleine's is a broken parking meter. They switch letters, and they give each other advice. Never seeing each other. But they each have their own love life. There's a little bit of teenage romance. Take a look at this AWESOME book!

Thanks for tuning in!
Tween Blogger

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